Tuesday, April 27, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Had New York State been able to find 79 more residents living in cardboard boxes in central park or squatting in abandoned buildings they would have held on to one representative seat in the house.  CA was a lost cause, just too many people beat feet.

Texas picked up two seats.  Florida and N C gained one each.  Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania and West Virginia each lost one.  

Now comes the real fun.  The cat fights in the respective state houses over exactly where the lines get drawn.  The party in power always wants to gerrymander things so that they maintain the most seats and the party not in power looses the most seats.  Fair has nothing to do with it, because they are a pack of self-centered whores for the most part.  Many of the redistricting plans will end up in court, perhaps most of them will do so.

The formerly great state of California still outnumbers Texas by about 10 million, even with it's net population loss.  

The total official U S population was 331, 449, 281 on census day last year.

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