Tuesday, April 27, 2021


by Bob Walsh

On Monday the Secretary of State of the formerly great state of California determined that there are enough valid signatures to move forward with the recall attempt against the God-Emperor Gavin Newsom.

The election will probably be sometimes in October or November.  It will be a single issue election.  Choice one will be DO YOU WANT TO RECALL THIS ARROGANT TURD.  Choice two will be IF HE IS RECALLED WHO DO YOU WANT TO REPLACE HIM.

Last time around there were about 130 people on the ballot.  The pundits are speculating it could be double that or even more than double that this time around.

Howie Katz for Governor.  Works for me.


EDITOR'S NOTE: Thanks but no thanks.  However, I know a couple of  orangutans at the Houston Zoo, either of which would fit right into the job. 


Sumatran Orangutan_Indah
up-close shot of male orangutan nibbling on browse 
And they spit at people they don't like.  Sometimes even at people they do like.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

My bad, the headline should read RECALL not IMPEACH. Too much Green death for Dinner last night.