Saturday, April 24, 2021


by Bob Walsh

This is a really interesting double-reverse sort of Second Amendment case.  Back on February 13 Christopher Luis, 24, was at an ATM in Kendall, Florida when he was approached by three men attempting to rob him.  He was armed himself and the lead started flying.  One of the bad guys went down with two bullets in him.  Luis picked up the bad guys gun and drove away.  He then returned to the scene and, using the bad guy's gun, shot him ten more times.

Interestingly enough Luis is not facing homicide charges.  The dead guy, Nimikae Clark, died from the original two shots and NOT from the subsequent ten according to the medical examiner.  Therefore Luis is only facing aggravated battery charges, which isn't wonderful but still isn't homicide.

Why the guy just didn't drive away and call 911 is beyond me. 

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