Tuesday, September 28, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Well-known R&B singer and entertainer R. Kelly can now be legitimately referred to as known felon and pervert R. Kelly.  (Not that many people weren't pretty sure already.)  Among other things he arranged a forged birth certificate so he could marry a 15-year old girl.

Kelly was convicted on all charges, including one RICO count and a ton of various sexual charges.  The federal trial took about five weeks.  Allegedly Kelly would lure young women and girls into his circle with promises of help in their music careers and then exploit them and often brutally attack them.  Some of this abuse was recorded.  Not too smart.  

He is looking at 10-life on these charges.  I don't know if he is facing local charges as well.  He probably should be.

1 comment:

Trey said...

This is your butthole entering prison o. This is your butthole upon release (O).