Monday, September 27, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Nancy Pelosi has stalled off the vote on the $1 trillion "Everything Is Infrastructure" bill which she absolutely PROMISED would be voted on and passed on Tuesday until Thursday.  Or maybe later.  The herd of cats has been hard to corral.

Many people want this as part of a package deal with the $3.5 trillion "We want everything, fuck the taxpayers" bill.  Many don't.  Many want it tied into the spending cap bill.  Many don't.  

Most of the Republicans want the spending cap bill passed as part of a budget reconciliation package with ONLY Democrat-Socialist votes.  They want it to pass, but they don't want their fingerprints on it.  Clearly the Democrat-Socialists want it to at least pretend to be a bi-partisan bill.  

With only a 4 vote theoretical margin Nancy has to do some clever balancing.  Some of her more rambunctious (psychotic) membership wants even MORE spending and are saying they will refuse to vote on any bill that does not have the prospect of absolutely bankrupting the country the destroying the economy. 

My guess is that the weak sisters and the psychopaths will get together eventually and put together a malodorous bag of excrement, pretend it is wonderful and vote for it.  Right just now I wouldn't mind a little SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT for a few weeks.  There are a few hundred people in DC who need to take that "We the people" stuff seriously.  Right now they don't.  They think the government exists to benefit them and their friends and families.  It doesn't.  Or at least it shouldn't. 

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