Thursday, November 04, 2021


Law and order prevail as pro-crime Democrats lose big


Post Editorial Board 

New York Post

November 3, 2021

The crush of applications for heath and religious exemptions came this week.


Anti-police progressives just got trounced across the nation, from Long Island to Seattle.

This follows the primary win of Hizzoner-elect Eric Adams: New York City’s second black mayor will take office having vowed from the start to stop crime, progressives be damned.

The trend continued on Long Island, where anger over the no-bail law sent Democrats to defeat in the Nassau and Suffolk county DA races.

  • In Nassau, career local prosecutor Anne Donnelly overwhelmed Democratic state Sen. Todd Kaminsky, who voted for the 2019 law that eliminated most cash bail, 60 percent to 40 percent.
  • In Suffolk, Republican Ray Tierney trounced Democratic incumbent District Attorney Tim Sini, 57 percent to 43 percent, with bail reform again a key issue.
  • In Seattle, Republican candidates for city attorney and pro-police candidate for mayor held large leads on Wednesday — a clear repudiation of their rivals’ anti-policing plans. Ann Davison, who vowed more prosecutions for low-level crimes as city attorney, drew 58 percent against Nicole Thomas-Kennedy, who called for abolishing the current criminal-justice system. In the mayoral race, “Hire more cops” moderate Bruce Harrell was at 65 percent vs. #Defunder Lorena Gonzalez.
  • In Minneapolis, where George Floyd died at police hands, voters rejected a proposal to replace the city’s police department with a new Department of Public Safety and at least two pro-Defund City Council members went down in defeat.
  • And in Pennsylvania’s Westmoreland County, pro-police Nicole Ziccarelli beat Democrat John Peck to become the first Republican to hold the office in decades. 

Crime was also an issue in Buffalo’s mayoral contest, where incumbent Byron Brown as a write-in candidate trounced socialist India Walton, who’d scored the Democratic nomination.

The issue also likely played some role in the GOP’s astonishing showing in Virginia and New Jersey, including major gains in those state’s legislatures.

Americans want law and order. The ballot boxes prove it.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

I'll take a social worker if they have a gun and know how to use it. Wait, that's a cop, isn't it?