Wednesday, November 10, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Joe Biden, who is the de jure if not the de facto President of the United States, went to Baltimore to make a pitch about supply chain issues.  Of course when Joe Biden was a young man, in the early 19th century, Baltimore was an important port.  Now it handles slightly less than 1% of the container traffic into the United States.  

One interesting thing has come out of the supply chain hoorah.  The rail companies are now setting up to run high speed express trains from LA to Utah where there is a HUGE rail hard.  The containers will be railroaded from the piers to Utah and off-loaded to trucks there for distribution, bypassing some of the bottlenecks at the port.  

I doubt that Joe came up with the idea.  I am not completely sure he knows where Utah is.  It was still a territory when he was growing up.  Nevertheless it is a good idea and it came out of his administration so he should get at least some of the credit for it.

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