Monday, November 15, 2021


Maybe He Is

by Bob Walsh

John Durham, the special counsel who is looking into what can charitably be called the Trump / Russia hoax, has another indictment to his credit.  

I would like to say I think that this will end up with a couple of really big pelts hanging on the wall (like maybe Hillary).  So far only one major media outlet that I know of, the Washington Post, has backed away from their earlier assertions.  That is the problem with being a true believer.  Even when the facts are staring you right in the face you don't believe.  Because you do not WANT to believe.  You WANT to believe that the evil orange man was a foreign government asset.  You WANT to believe that someone so uncouth could not have possibly won the election fairly.  Desire clouds reason.

It would sure be nice if, before the midterm election, the Durham investigation was at a point where even the legacy media had to admit they were wrong.  Don't hold your breath.  Many of them are still ignoring the fact that the notorious Bush 43 National Guard letter was clearly a forgery.  

We are becoming more and more tribal.  The other side of the fence isn't just the opposition, it is the enemy.  The next election may be fun, but it isn't going to be pretty.  

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