Wednesday, November 10, 2021


QAnon believers who flocked to Dallas to see JFK Jr. reappear are refusing to leave, saying they want to set up a permanent HQ there





  • QAnon supporters gathered in Dallas last Tuesday believing JFK Jr., who died in 1999, would appear.

  • The group's leader called Dallas their "promised land" in a Telegram post.

  • Dozens of them were pictured making the shape of a gigantic "Q" in the city on Saturday.

A group of QAnon supporters who gathered in Dallas, Texas, last week in the hopes of watching John F. Kennedy Jr.- who died in 1999 - reappear are refusing to leave the city and considering setting up a permanent base there, Vice News reported.

Images taken on Saturday by the freelance journalist Steven Monacelli showed dozens of supporters meeting up in Dealey Plaza ⁠- the site of the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the father of Kennedy Jr. ⁠- for the second time in two weeks. 

One photo showed the adherents of the online conspiracy theory making the shape of a gigantic "Q."

The group appeared to be smaller than the hundreds who gathered at Dealey Plaza on November 2 to watch what they thought would be Kennedy Jr. coming back from the dead and announcing his run for the White House in 2024 with former President Donald Trump. 

Kennedy Jr. died with his wife and her sister in a plane crash in 1999. He did not reappear on November 2, nor at the weekend.

But despite Kennedy Jr.'s no-show, some of the QAnon followers who traveled to Dallas from other parts of the country decided to extend their stay at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas, Vice News reported.

This is partly because Michael Brian Protzman, a prominent QAnon supporter who helped organize the gatherings, said on Telegram that Dallas was the group's "promised land," Vice News reported, citing an audio message it obtained.

Protzman, who goes by the name of Negative48 on Telegram, told his 105,000 followers that a QAnon rapper known as Pryme Minister - real name Randell Moody - offered the use of a property in the city that could act as a permanent headquarters for the group, Vice News reported.

Protzman did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

QAnon is a fictional right-wing conspiracy theory that alleges Trump is fighting a "deep state" cabal of human traffickers.

No one has stepped forward as the official leader or founder of the group. However, Protzman has created a cult within the QAnon movement, where his followers refer to him as a godlike figure, according to Vice News.

He now uses his large following on Telegram to spread fantastical mythology that has convinced many that Kennedy Jr. is the Archangel Michael, and Trump the Holy Spirit, Vice News reported.


Dave Freeman said...

kind of weird how this site obsesses over a tiny group of nutcases, while the much larger and more dangerous groups such asAntifa and BLM rarely get a mention.

Trey said...

What a bunch of wet Bullshit.