Thursday, January 13, 2022


Homeless man mugs good Samaritan who gave him a coat on NYC sidewalk  


By and


New York Post

January 12, 2022



Good Samaritan starts to place his coat on homeless man lying on the sidewalk


Shocking surveillance video shows a good Samaritan getting walloped on a Midtown sidewalk Wednesday morning after he gives a homeless man his coat.

The twisted turn of events began when the 59-year-old victim tried to help Xavier Israel, 25, who was lying on a sidewalk in front of 476 5th Ave. at about 8:40 a.m., according to sources.

Moments after the victim gently covers Israel with his jacket, Israel shoots to his feet and appears to push the man to the ground before snatching the wallet from his back pants pocket, according to footage obtained by The Post.

The victim tries in vain to retrieve his wallet, but the suspect punches him and throws him back to the ground, the video shows.

Israel fled the scene but was arrested a short time later on West 41st St. and 5th Ave., sources said.

Witnesses told police that Israel stuffed cash inside his pants and officers recovered nearly $1,500 from him, according to sources.


Police transport Xavier Israel, 25, from Midtown South precinct in Manhattan.Xavier Israel allegedly pushed a man, who had just given him his coat, before snatching the wallet from his back pants pocket


Israel was hit with several charges, including assault, robbery and grand larceny, sources said.

The victim refused medical attention on scene.

Wednesday’s attack marked the second time in less than a week that Israel allegedly turned on a good Samaritan.

On Saturday, outside of a building on East 81st Street in the Upper East Side, Israel is accused of pummeling a 49-year-old woman who wanted to give assistance, sources said.




The woman fell to the ground and sustained a cut to her elbow, according to sources. Israel was arrested, charged with assault and released on a desk appearance ticket, sources said.

Israel allegedly assaulted two more victims – a man and a woman – on Jan. 2 inside of Central Park, according to sources.

He is accused of randomly punching the 18-year olds as they sat on a rock inside the green space.

Israel was also busted for the Central Park incident and charged with assault, sources said.

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