Monday, January 17, 2022


by Bob Walsh

This coming Wednesday our mentally impaired bumbler-in-chief is supposed to have an actual press conference about something or other.  I think it is completely possible, even likely, that he will take few if any questions, all pre-screened from known soft-ball pitchers.  Whether he will say anything meaningful or even coherent about anything anybody gives a shit about is very dubious.  It is even possible that the Russkies will have attacked the Ukraine by that time and Joe will be so confused he will not know whether to shit his shorts or go blind.  

He is probably also trying with every neuron in his feeble brain to figure out how he can pretend that he is still running for President in 2024.  Of course he is so brain-burnt he may actually intend to run for President in 2024.  Personally I hope he does.  He will certainly get primaried from the left if he does, and maybe from the right as well.  

Maybe by Wednesday his peeps will be able to convince him that there is a supply chain issue, that his flip-flop on C19 isn't a nothingburger and that Donald Trump isn't a Russian asset.   

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