Friday, January 07, 2022


'Hero' dog Tinsley leads cops to car crash site to save injured owner


By Aanchal Gera  



January 6, 2022



'Hero' dog Tinsley leads cops to car crash site to save injured owner Tinsley, barely out of her puppyhood, knew exactly what to do when her owners were in a car crash

A one-year old German Shepherd called Tinsley proved she's her man's best friend in a life-or-death scenario. The dog from New Hampshire is being called a 'hero' for knowing exactly what to do, despite being such a young dog without any training. She was travelling with her humans when their vehicle crashed and both occupants were severly injured. Tinsley somehow managed to alert the cops, and due to the fast response of these officials, the dog's injured owners are well on the road to recovery.

Around 10 pm, Tinsley was seen running in the dark on the Memorial Bridge that connects Lebanon and the White River Junction. When the cops first saw Tinsley all worked up, they tried to corral her but later they thought she was trying to tell them something, alert them, or maybe even be asking for help. The cops decided to follow her. 

Police lieutenant Daniel Baldassarre of New Hampshire State Police said, "Almost alerting them to what was off the roadway, which they discovered a truck which had been overturned with two gentlemen that were ejected from the vehicle." Additionally he also stated, "They could tell the dog was trying to show them something because she kept trying to get away from them but didn’t run away totally. It was kind of, ‘Follow me. Follow me.'” Of the injured humans, one was identified as Tinsley's owner named Cam Laundry. 

A Twitter page dedicated to dogs shared Tinsley's story. Tinsley's owner Laundry said, "She’s my little guardian angel you know. It’s a miracle that she had that kind of intelligence to do what she did.” The Captain of the Hartford Fire Department Jack Hedges said, "The whole time we were starting our patient care it sat there nice and calm right next to its owner." Later, both injured and partially treated humans were relocated to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center for further treatment. 

Later Tinsley's owner Laundry said, "Of course, she never leaves my side, so we’re always together in that truck that got wrecked she’s always my co-pilot, she’s always with me." It was heard when Laundry was asked how he would reward his 'guardian angel', he said, "She gets spoiled all the time. She’ll get some venison probably burger tonight and probably some back scratches with it.” On the Twitter page, several netizens left heart warming comments. This user said, "Just today I said this, and I'm going to say it again. God put dogs in our world to show us what perfection looks like. We certainly don't deserve them, and the only people that do not like dogs are people that have never known a dog."


Trey said...

Both of my dogs will summon me in the same manner. Come to me agitated, turn around, run in the direction that they want me to follow them and then stop and make sure that I am following them. Most of the time one of them has seen the Devil Squirrel near the bird feeder and want me to open the back door. Then the chase is on.

bob walsh said...

Most dogs are better friends than most people.