Democrats who claim white supremacy is top problem ignore black racist killers
Farrakhan: People “call me an anti-Semite. Stop it, I’m anti-termite!”
April 17, 2-22
What if whites disappeared from the earth?
Top Democrats claim that nothing in America is more dangerous than white racism.
As President Joe Biden said Oct. 21, “According to the United States intelligence community, domestic terrorism from white supremacists is the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland.”
“In the FBI’s view,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said June 15, “the top domestic violent-extremist threat comes from . . . those who advocate for the superiority of the white race.”
House Armed Services Committee member Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) complained that the federal government insufficiently screens “servicemembers and other individuals with sensitive roles for white-supremacist and violent-extremist ties.”
So where is all the damage from this white-nationalist army? Where are the wounds of those they have maimed and the cadavers of those they have killed?
“Charlottesville!” Biden and the Democratic left shout in unison.
Yes, James Alex Fields Jr. weaponized his car and murdered protester Heather Heyer during Charlottesville, Va.’s race riots in August 2017 — nearly five years ago.
People get help from other commuters following the April 12 subway shooting in Brooklyn
Anybody else?
The sound you hear is grass growing.
As Team Biden searches furiously for those touched by this supposedly ubiquitous white threat, black racists scream hatred and inflict dozens of casualties, some fatal.
The NYPD says that Wednesday, a black man named Frank James unleashed a smoke bomb on a Brooklyn subway train. He then fired 33 rounds from a Glock pistol. James allegedly shot 10 commuters, and 13 suffered other injuries. Five were hospitalized in critical condition. Amazingly, no one was killed.
Why did James do this?
Journalist Andy Ngo perused his social-media profile. James’ profane, deeply bigoted posts foreshadow an atrocious, anti-white hate crime.

* “O black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys,” James wrote on Facebook.
* “The white motherf–kers that I want to kill, you know, I really want to kill them because they’re white,” James declared.
* “White people and black people as we call ourselves should not have any contact with each other,” James stated. “Blacks and whites so-called should not even be in the same hemisphere.”
Frank James had nine prior arrests in Gotham and three in New Jersey.
Meanwhile, police in Waukesha, Wis., report that Darrell Edward Brooks in November plowed his Ford Escape SUV into marchers and spectators at a Christmas parade. Brooks’ carnage killed six people and wounded 62 others.
Brooks also is an outspoken, white-hating bigot.
Darrell Edward Brooks killed six people and wounded 62 others. His rap sheet stretches some 50 pages
* He wrote, via Twitter: “the old white ppl 2, KNOKK DEM TF OUT!! PERIOD.”
* As Andy Ngo observed, Brooks posted this in 2016 on Facebook: “Run them over. Keep traffic flowing & don’t slow down for any of these idiots.”
* Brooks also posted a rant with these words beside Adolf Hitler’s photo: “HITLER KNEW WHO THE REAL JEWS WERE!”
Lifelong criminal Brooks’ rap sheet stretches some 50 pages.
The US Capitol Police recall that Noah Green drove up to a barricade on April 7, 2021, and charged two officers with a knife before a third fatally shot him.
President Biden and Democrats claim white supremacy is the #1 threat in America
Green belonged to the anti-white Nation of Islam, led by notorious Jew-hater Louis Farrakhan. In October 2018, via Twitter, he decried “The Satanic Jew.” Farrakhan also said that people “call me an anti-Semite. Stop it, I’m anti-termite!”
“I consider him my spiritual father,” Green said of Farrakhan.
These cases confirm that Joe Biden and the Democratic left are lost in space. While they battle imaginary white nationalists, real-life black racists usher their victims into hospitals and cemeteries.
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