Friday, April 22, 2022


by Bob Wals          



Various talking heads over the last few days have reported that, in a private conversation Senile Joe told Barry that he is absolutely going to run in 2024, his health permitting.  

It is of course possible he actually means it.  It is very rare for a president to be significantly opposed within his own party in his run for a second term.  When it happens is leads to defeat in the general election

The Democrat-Socialist party is in a quandry.  Joe's approval polls are lower than whale shit.  Kamala is widely regarded as a joke and a moron.  Remember she pulled something like 2% in her own state and dropped out almost before she started.  Crazy Bernie and the shit-stirrer wing of the party are still out there lobbing woke-bombs.  

Joe is demonstrably brain-burnt.  Crazy Bernie is older than Joe.  Kamala is so retarded unless there is another Covid outbreak and she can hide in Nancy Pelosi's ice cream freezer she can't be much of a threat.  Pete Buttiegieg is almost certainly unelectable.  Black males are NOT going to vote for a white gay man.  Conservative democrats are not going to vote for a man who has vowed to take their guns away.  Plus he has never actually accomplished anything in his entire life.  

So, is it going to be Weekend At Bernie's?  Or is a new standard bearer going to ride in from someplace unexpected to save the day?

I am still thinking that Joe is going to go for it.  Even if the Democraps get CREAMED in November, which seems likely, he may actually think he is sufficiently smart and politically agile to pull off a Clinton-like remake.  The thing is Clinton was basically likeable, was a skilled politician, was not senile and was not 125 years old.  

Maybe Hillary.  Hillary vs. Trump; 2.0  You could sell tickets to that.  

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