Thursday, January 12, 2023


Piers Morgan HANGS UP on Alex Jones as their rematch interview descends into incomprehensible row

Morgan claimed Jones 'deliberately spun a pack of lies' to make Sandy Hook victims suffer. Jones denied responsibility in the spread of misinformation about the shooting


By Natasha Anderson


Daily Mail

January 12, 2023



Piers Morgan hung up on Alex Jones tonight after their rematch interview descended into an incomprehensible row over the Sandy Hook massacre             Piers Morgan hung up on Alex Jones tonight after their rematch interview descended into an incomprehensible row over the Sandy Hook massacre


Piers Morgan hung up on Alex Jones after their rematch interview descended into an incomprehensible row over the Sandy Hook massacre, 10 years after the pair had a heated clash over gun control.

The broadcasters failed to finish their debate on Piers Morgan Uncensored this evening after Jones shouted at Morgan for probing him over comments he made about the deadly school shooting. 

The Talk TV host said Jones 'deliberately spun a pack of lies designed to make the families of Sandy Hook suffer worse pain.' 

Jones, frustrated by the line of questioning, denied responsibility for his role in the spread of misinformation - arguing 'I didn't make money off of Sandy Hook' - and warned viewers 'don't let Piers mind control you' just moments before his live interview feed was cut off.

Morgan presented Jones with a series of potential conversation topics, including the school shooting, before he appeared on the show this evening.

Jones was seemingly angered by the fact that the majority of his interview revolved around his Sandy Hook commentary.

The Infowars host was ordered last year to pay $1.5billion in defamation damages to the families of Sandy Hook massacre victims.

Morgan, addressing the defamation suit on the show, said Jones 'took a massive amount of fuel and you poured it on the bonfire of their pain.'

'That is the bottom line with you, Alex,' he said. 'You deliberately spun a pack of lies designed to make the families of Sandy Hook suffer worse pain.' 

He then presented Jones with footage of Nicole Hockley, whose six-year-old son Dylan was killed in the massacre, during which she claimed Jones inspired conspiracy theorists to threaten her and her family's safety.


Jones (pictured during his defamation trial last year) denied responsibility for his role in the spread of misinformation about the shooting - arguing 'I didn't make money off of Sandy Hook' - and warned viewers 'don't let Piers mind control you' just moments before his live interview feed was cut off


                                       Jones denied defaming Nicole Hockley, (pictured during the trial) whose six-year-old son Dylan was killed in the massacre, and told Morgan: 'I never talked about that woman. I didn't even know who she was.'
                                       Pictured: A photograph of Dylan

Jones denied defaming Nicole Hockley (top), whose six-year-old son Dylan was killed in the massacre, and told Morgan: 'I never talked about that woman. I didn't even know who she was.'


After hearing her testimony - which Morgan described as 'eloquent' and 'emotional' - Jones replied: 'Total garbage, never said her name.

'I never talked about that woman. I didn't even know who she was.'

Morgan hit back, noting how Jones said Sandy Hook was a 'giant hoax' and claimed the massacre was 'as phoney as a three dollar bill.'

Instead of responding to the line of questioning, Jones referenced the other proposed discussion topics and asked in a combative tone: 'When are we going to talk about other topics?

'They live off of me. I didn't make money off of Sandy Hook. They got $73million from Remington. They live off Sandy Hook, I don't.'

Morgan, seemingly emphasising with the victims, said: 'Here's what I will say to you. Maybe one of the reasons they have a problem with you and watch you did is you were saying on-air things like "you've got parents laughing - hahaha - and then they walk over to the camera and go "boo hoo hoo," and not just one but a bunch of parents doing this and then photos of kids that are still alive they said died? I mean, they think we're so dumb."

'These were parents in the grip of unbelievable trauma.'


An aerial view of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012. Twenty-seven people, including 18 children, have been killed in a mass school shooting
An aerial view of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012. Twenty-seven people, including 18 children, have been killed in a mass school shooting
Jones was sued for defamation after he repeatedly claimed that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, which left 20 students and six teachers dead, was a 'hoax' and had been 'staged'
Jones was sued for defamation after he repeatedly claimed that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, which left 20 students and six teachers dead, was a 'hoax' and had been 'staged'


Jones deflected and instead tried to refocus the conversation on the Covid shots that he claims are 'poisoned' and kill children.

He also tried to compare his indiscretions to the wartime actions of former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who once publicly said she thought the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children were 'worth it'.

The pair went on to argue about the shooting for over 40 minutes, with Morgan quoting Jones' own commentary to him - which Jones denied.

The conspiracy theorist blamed the judge in his defamation trial and media for persecuting him over comments he 'apologised' for. 

He also repeatedly claimed his victims were making money 'off my name.' 

Morgan hung up on Jones around 48 minutes into the hour-long show after he 'lost the plot.'

'All your shouting and all your bluther is utterly contemptible,' Morgan told Jones. 'And we both, I think, know that.'

Jones yelled back: 'You're never going to get our First Amendment and I'm glad you had to move back to England to live under your Islamic takeover and when they're arresting people for being against transgenderism -'

'Alex, you're once again losing the plot so that means now I have to say goodbye,' Morgan calmly interjected. 'But it's been good to catch up, thank you.'

Jones' feed was cut from the broadcast and Morgan added: 'Alex Jones. Nothing's really changed. In the last 10 years or so, he carried on exploiting, particularly the families of Sandy Hook for massive personal financial gain.

'He systematically tells conspiracy theories which I know that he knows are not true and he does it because it makes him tons of money.

'And he's got away with until now, but they called his bluff - they sued him - and the families won $1.5billion.' 


Jones launched into a furious rant the last time the two met on Morgan's CNN talk show in 2013 when he yelled: 'I'm here to tell you 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms'
Jones launched into a furious rant the last time the two met on Morgan's CNN talk show in 2013 when he yelled: 'I'm here to tell you 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms'

Jones previously appeared on Morgan's show a decade ago and, similarly to today, they were met in a heated clash.

Jones launched into a furious rant the last time the two met on Morgan's CNN talk show in 2013 when he yelled: 'I'm here to tell you 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.'

In their 2013 encounter, Morgan asked him: 'How many gun murders were there in Britain this year?'

Jones responded: 'How many great white sharks kill people every year but they're scared to swim?'

He went on to say: 'I'm here to tell you 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.'

He also claimed: 'You've got hordes of people burning down cities and beating people's brains out every day.'

When Morgan repeated his question, Jones said: 'How many chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pin?'

Jones gained notoriety for his years hosting his show InfoWars, where he regularly voiced baseless conspiracy theories concerning a global elite.

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