Virginia school shooting: Cop hails teacher Abby Zwerner as hero for escorting students out while bleeding
January 10, 2023

The police have not revealed much except that the student shot the teacher after he got involved in an altercation. The gun which the 6-year-old had brought to the school belonged to his mother. It is speculated that the parent might be charged if the investigation found that the gun wasn't kept secured.
As per Drew, this was not an accidental firing, and the bullet went through the hand and hit Abby's chest. As per the police, only one shot was forced. A fellow student told Daily Press that Zwerner was shot "on purpose". The teacher fell on her knees soon after getting shot, the student said.
Zwerner was lauded by the police for what transpired afterward. She escorted the 14 to 16 extra children out of the classroom before stumbling to the office, where she passed out, according to Drew. “She made sure every one of those kids were out of that room. She was the last one to leave … after suffering a gunshot wound, to make sure her students … were safe,” Drew said.
“From the video surveillance we have of that hallway, you can see the students running out of that classroom across the hall into another classroom. Ms Zwerner was the last person to leave that class,” he said as per the reports.
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