Thursday, January 19, 2023


‘Heaven Punishes Homosexuality,’ Palestinians Warn America

Official Palestinian daily suggests winter storms that devastated the United States were consequence of White House support for LGBT movement.


Israel Today

White House illuminated in the colors of the gay flag in celebration of a same-sex marriage bill.White House illuminated in the colors of the gay flag in celebration of a same-sex marriage bill.


We were this week presented with yet another indication that the Palestinian state America is trying to help birth will actually oppose the values the liberal West today holds so dear.

Chief among those values is tolerance for and acceptance of homosexuality. Just turn on any American television program, even those made for young children, and this becomes perfectly clear.

But according to Palestinian and other Middle East Muslims, this is also the source of recent suffering in the United States.


                          Night photograph of a tornado illuminated by lightning (photo by Fred Smith; used with permission).

                                                     Heaven's punishment

In late December, the US was hit by severe winter storms–dubbed by many the “North Pole bomb”–that claimed the lives of over 100 people.

Writing for the official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Iraqi columnist Hadi Jalo Mar’i noted that this unprecedented storm struck just hours after the Biden White House was illuminated with the colors of the gay flag in celebration of passing a same-sex marriage bill.

In a translation provided by Palestinian Media Watch, Mar’i states:

“…it is our right to reject and condemn any idea and behavior that contradicts human nature, and to wonder what is the secret that causes governments of states that control the world and lead it to defend homosexuality, and even sexual perversion, and to legislate laws defending abominable behavior that contradicts the way of nature and appropriate behavior.

“All we have to do is to wait and see how much nature’s fury will intensify, according to the will of Heaven. We apologize to the homosexuals, the governments, and the organizations that take care of them if we have caused them a blow to morale, as we also have the right to believe in the One and Only [Allah], the Victor, to uphold His laws,and to wait and see what His will is regarding them, and also regarding us.”

It is not our intention to give credence to the tenets of Islam. But in the matter of homosexuality, their position lines up with that of the Bible, as does their belief that divine punishment befalls nations that promote sinful behavior.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Joe Biden must be queer as as three-dollar bill.