Wednesday, January 11, 2023


 By Bob Walsh

Federal Judge Renee Marie Bumb                                                      Federal Judge Renee Marie Bumb

Renee Marie Bumb is a judge of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey.  She has just handed down a decision in the case of Koons v. Reynolds.  This is a challenge to a bunch of the horseshit passed by New Jersey in the wake of the Bruen decision.  The law, as currently written, has so many exemptions and restrictions that it is virtually impossible to carry a legal handgun with a legal permit anywhere in New Jersey except on the sidewalk in front of your own home.  It was promptly appealed by several pro-2A groups.

Judge Bumb concluded that there was a high degree of probability that the plaintiffs would be successful in their action on the merits of the case.  Among other things the New Jersey law banned carry in public libraries, museums, any bar or restaurant where alcohol was served, virtually all entertainment venues, almost all private property and inside motor vehicles on public roads.  

Judge Bumb issued a TRO against the state enforcing these restrictions.  

The state A. G. called the judge a bunch of names and announced intent to appeal to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals.  I suspect that the 3rd Circuit will not be impressed by the A.G. calling the judge names in public.  Judges are often stuffy about that, even if they are philosophically inclined to support the laws under review.

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