Sunday, January 08, 2023


By Bob Walsh


 A tree fell due to high winds at a house in the 1100 block of North Center Street in downtown Stockton, one of several trees that toppled throughout the city.

A tree fell due to high winds at a house in the 1100 block of North Center Street in downtown Stockton.


As I write this, somewhat after midnight on Sunday morning. there is a hell of a wind storm blowing here.  No rain but LOTS of wind.  It was actually hard to walk to my car this evening.  Worse I ever remember it in my 33 years here.  Garbage cans bouncing down the road.  Tree branches.  Occasional trees.  A chunk of my back yard fence is pretty much horizontal.  Fortunately the wind turbine ventilators on my roof have not launched themselves.  Yet.  I am not looking forward to the idea of climbing on my roof in a storm to bag the stacks.  I am way too old for that shit.  Did it once 20 years ago when one of them started screaming like a banshee in the night when the bearing went out on it.  Got up at dawn to tape it down and bag it up.  

Fortunately I have no tall trees in my yard or even near to my house.  I may lose some shingles but I do not want have a large tree trying to land in bed with me in the middle of the night.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

In 2007 we were living in Santa Rosa for a 3 month contract. Nice city. A storm blew in and trees fell down all over the place. I have lived near the coast most of my life, but I never saw as much daily fog as there was in Santa Rosa. It was spooky.