By Bob Walsh

York homeowner Kevin Monahan, 65, has been charged with second-degree
murder after fatally shooting Kaylin Gillis, 20.
Saturday four women were driving
around rural upstate New York looking for an address of a friend. They
thought they had it but when they got about half-way up the rather long
(remember rural) driveway they realized they were wrong and started to
back out. At that time the resident, Kevin Monahan, 65, came out onto
his porch and opened fire on the car. He hit and killed Kaylin Gillis,

Kaylin Gillis
The shooter has been
charged in Washington County with second-degree murder. Both the
shooter and the dead woman are White. The women drove quickly away and
tried to get cell phone service. After driving about five miles they
managed to connect with 911 near the city of Hebron.
the cops figured out where this had happened they sent a NYSP Special
Ops team to the house but Monahan at first refused to talk with them.
Eventually he was taken into custody. The local cops are asserting
(probably accurately) that at no time did any of the women leave the
vehicle let along approach the house and that Monahan had no reasonable
cause to open fire on them.
details are substantially different from the death a few days
previously of Ralph Yarl, 16, who was shot twice at the front door of a
home in Kansas City. In that case the (White) resident, Andrew Lester,
85, asserts that he believed the young man (who is Black) was trying to
break into his home when he fired once, striking the kid in the head and
then again, when the kid was down. Yarl survived that shooting (so
far). Police did not originally arrest Lester. He did surrender
himself about 20 hours after charges were filed.
Kansas City case is not nearly so clear-cut. Lester asserts that he
opened the inside door with his .32 automatic in his hand and Yarl was
attempting to open the outer door. Assuming the forensic evidence backs
him up he MAY have a solid legal case for reasonable fear, though much
of the mainstream media has already declared him to be a guilty racist
EDITOR'S NOTE: Too many people have guns who should not be permitted to possess them.
CORRECTION. I said both that Yarl died and survived. He did NOT die and in fact was sent home today. My bad.
No one can touch my front door due to burglar bars 12' in front of it. Cameras notify me of persons standing at the gate. The pics are kept in the Cloud for 30 days just in case I needed to retrieve them. I also have a dog who has no manners.
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