Monday, June 10, 2024


Israel exposes UN lies: Gaza is receiving plenty of aid

New Israeli report reveals dramatic gap in humanitarian aid data due to faulty UNRWA reporting.


By Ryan Jones 


Hamas members ride on top of a humanitarian aid truck in Rafah, Gaza Strip, December 19, 2023. (AP Photo)
Trucks delivering humanitarian aid supplies arrive in Gaza, January 7, 2024. 

The United Nations, and in particular the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), is desperate to paint a picture of starvation in the Gaza Strip resulting from Israel’s war on Hamas. And to further sully the Jewish state, UNRWA claims it is preventing critical aid from entering the destitute coastal enclave.

Figures released by Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), however, reveal that UNRWA is being deceitful on both counts. Gaza has enough food, and that is thanks to the fact that a large number of aid trucks are entering the territory every day.

But the UN won’t let facts get in the way of a good crisis, so they’ve been fudging the numbers.

A new COGAT report published this week highlights significant discrepancies between the volumes of humanitarian aid to Gaza reported by Israel, and those documented by UNRWA, an agency that has itself been sullied by revelations of collaboration with Hamas.

The report, led by Major General Ghassan Alian, suggests that flawed data collection methods and shifts in responsibility within the UN are behind the discrepancies.

Since October 7, Israel has undertaken a substantial humanitarian effort, with daily reports from COGAT detailing aid deliveries. However, the international community, led by the UN and UNRWA, often reports significantly lower figures, leading to accusations against Israel of delaying aid and undermining humanitarian efforts.

According to UN and UNRWA data, from the beginning of the conflict until June 5, a total of 26,684 aid trucks have entered Gaza.

In contrast, COGAT records show 34,199 trucks—a difference of over 7,500 trucks, or nearly 30 percent.

The report attributes this gap to several key issues:

Flawed data collection: Prior to October 6, data collection was managed by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), relying on sources at Kerem Shalom and Rafah crossings. After the conflict began, responsibility shifted to UNRWA, which struggled to track the increasing volume of aid accurately.

Incomplete coverage: UNRWA documents aid from Kerem Shalom and Rafah, but omits aid entering through the Erez Crossing, managed by the UN’s World Food Programme, and other routes such as the US Army’s floating pier.

Inconsistent reporting: UNRWA records only what its staff directly handles, leading to gaps when staff are not present or when aid is distributed by other UN agencies or private entities.


Large quantities of humanitarian aid at a collection depot en route to Gaza. 

The COGAT report highlights May as a stark example: Israel reported 6,359 aid trucks, but the UN recorded only 1,479, prompting international criticism of Israel. COGAT argues that this discrepancy created an artificial crisis, as UNRWA’s inadequate data collection led to a misleading portrayal of the aid situation.

The discrepancy is so large that it can’t be attributed solely to simple and innocent human error. Israel charges that UNRWA operates with political motives, aiming to depict Israel as neglectful, if not “genocidal.”

The mission of the UN is supposed to be conflict resolution. But UNRWA’s behavior, including its deliberately faulty reporting of aid shipments to Gaza, is exacerbating the situation by stoking the flames of hostility toward Israel.

COGAT in its report urged the international community to hold UNRWA to task, and to acknowledge the full picture of aid deliveries to Gaza, as facilitated by Israel.

General Alian reiterated Israel’s commitment to its humanitarian duties and international law, and stressed that any failure in humanitarian efforts is a collective failure of the international community. To avoid a genuine crisis, he urged international bodies to join the humanitarian effort being led by Israel, rather than hinder it.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

It is in his best interest to claim the Palestinians are starving even if he does not believe it. Of course right now he is so brain dead it is hard to determine just what he does believe from one day to the next.