Friday, October 11, 2024


By bob Walsh

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 9.26.25 AM.png

Sgt. Kirk Rush said that Chief Lee grabbed the back of his neck without warning, and then slapped him in the forehead, whipping his head back and damaging his neck vertebrae


The dramatis personae in this little play are Sgt. Kirk Rush and (former) Chief of Police Ryan Lee of the Boise, ID. police department.

 Back in October 2021 there was a training incident-accident.  The Chief decided to use Rush as a demonstration dummy without his consent.  He demonstrated a neck hold on Rush.  Rush required medical treatment and eventually surgery due to the injury received.


Ryan Lee Boise 
Former Boise Police Chief Ryan Lee was not charged after he 'broke fellow officer's neck' while demonstrating 'unorthodox' headlock-type technique on him without warning
Rush maintained that this was a deliberate act by the chief as a payback for Rush's opposition to proposed changes in the K-9 unit that Rush was involved in.  

The chief was given the heave-ho last year.  This incident was part of the reason he was tossed.  The damages were just recently settled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember when the choke hold was taught in the academy.