Did Australian nurses murder Israelis at a Sydney-area hospital?
The two clearly-Muslim on-duty nurses tell Israeli interviewer that all Israelis should die, and that they’ve already sent several “to hell.”
Israeli media is in an uproar over a social media video clip in which two Muslim nurses at a Sydney-area hospital threaten their Israeli interviewer and appear to claim to have murdered Israeli patients.
The clip was posted by social media influencer Max Veifer, and shows him chatting with two on-shift nurses at Bankstown Hospital near Sydney, Australia. The female nurse, Sarah Abu Lebdeh, is wearing a hijab and the male nurse, Ahmad Rashad Nadir, uses Muslim terms like “Inshallah” (by Allah’s help) and “Jehannam” (the Islamic word for hell).
After learning that Veifer is Israeli, the two launch in an explicative-laden tirade about how they wish to kill him.
“I can’t believe you two are doctors,” Veifer replies, before asking how they as Australian hospital staff would treat an Israeli who came in for treatment. At this point, Nadir appears to suggest that he has already murdered a number of Israelis who came to Bankstown Hospital for treatment.
New South Wales Health Minister Ryan Park quickly announced that Nadir and Abu Lebdeh had been suspended, and insisted they would “not ever be working for New South Wales Health again.”
Park sought to assure the local Jewish community and any Jewish visitors to the area that they would receiving only top-level professional care at this and other hospitals.
Bankstown Hospital
But is it already too late for some? Have Nadir and Abu Lebdeh already harmed Israeli patients?
New South Wales Health Secretary Susan Pearce said she has launched a “rapid examination” of patient records at the hospital and that so far, the government has not found evidence of any Israeli patients being deliberately harmed.
Israel’s deputy foreign minister, Sharren Haskel, who lived for six years in Australia, said antisemitism has become a “disease that is spreading in Australia.”
She demanded that Nadir and Abu Lebdeh face the “highest consequences under the law.”
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