Tuesday, April 25, 2017


by Bob Walsh

If the story being told is true, an inmate died last year in the Milwaukee County Jail of dehydration. He was (apparently) mentally ill and (allegedly) the water had been turned off in his cell for a week.

A jury is considering whether there is probable cause to charge one or more jail officials with abuse of the prisoner. (I admit I don't understand the procedure on this. Must be a local or state thing.)

Allegedly the prisoner, Terrill Thomas, was having some sort of "mental health crisis." He was being fed allegedly inedible "neutraloaf" meals and had the water in his cell shut off. It is unclear if he was provided drinking water or not. If he did in fact die of dehydration one would think not. Prisoners often have their water turned off if they flood their cells and are fed "neutaloaf" if they throw food, refuse to return their trays and utensils after eating or otherwise act like assholes.

In any event it is difficult to understand how the prisoner was not removed, forcibly if need be, and put in medical housing at some point along the line. As noted, I strongly suspect that someone is going to have his tit in a wringer over this one. Mere indeptitude isn't going to cover it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when are jails are turned into mental facilities.