Wednesday, September 30, 2020


by Bob Walsh

AB2054, aka The Crisis Act, is an interesting (insane?) piece of legislation which the governor must either sign or veto by midnight tonight.

If passed into law this bill, the Community Response Initiative to Strengthen Emergency Systems (CRISES) would establish a pilot program than would allow "community based organizations" to be first responders to many 911 calls.

One of the goals of this proposal is to NOT have armed police officers show up to many sort of family domestic crisis situations.  I guess just because Ralph is an alcoholic wife abuser who has just beaten his wife half to death that is no reason for the cops to get involved and maybe hurt Ralph.  Perhaps a psychiatric social worker and a music teacher can respond sometime within 2 or 3 hours after receiving a call and they can sing songs to him and get him to drop the baseball bat and the butcher knife and check himself in to the nut farm.  (You might have gathered I have some doubts as to the workability of this arrangement.)

IMHO if there are weapons involved or there has already been personal violence that is time for the cops to show up.  Those other people might be nice too, after all you do need somebody to get coffee or clean the puke out of the police car.  

I wonder what Governor Gavin is going to do.  I also wonder how this lunacy will be funded.  Maybe they will use some of that excess money the cops waste on stupid shit like training.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Oh Bob, you're just a typical reactionary.  You can't see the good in this bill.  The health industry will benefit greatly from this bill  Hospitals will make a make tons of money treating social workers, pastors, your musicians, or whoever else might be on this crisis response team.  The funeral industry will benefit as well with an increase in funerals for those members of the crisis response team who were beyond hospitalization.  And the cops will benefit too because fewer of them will get hurt.    

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Silver lining?