Monday, September 28, 2020


Mostly Blue Steel And Lead

by Bob Walsh

The reason I mention this is a just picked up a "new" toy this week, a S&W Heavy Duty 38/44.  Not that I have a real need for such a weapon, but my old man carried one back in the day in the Military Police so I have been half-assed keeping an eye out for a decent one locally.  

This one is completely ordinary, a 4 inch blue specimen in very good mechanical condition with a so-so appearance, but nothing that won't clean up.  I detail stripped it, cleaned and lubed it and made one minor mechanical adjustment so it is not a happy revolver.  Assuming it shoots well (and I have no reason to think it won't) I will then have to decide on minor touch-up on the finish or a reblue.  At the moment I am leaning towards originality but......

You can't have too many guns until you run out of room in the safe.  You can't have too much ammo until you don't have a place to sleep because it's stacked on your bed for lack of anyplace else to put it.  In which case you should have a bigger house anyway.

Unfortunately with the direction California is going, unless the new and non-moronic Supreme Court says otherwise it seems that the state is determined to see that as few as people as possible are effectively armed.  

(Actually the 9th Circuit is now reasonably in the center of the real world with several Trump appointments and they have made a couple of pro-2A rulings lately which are maybe up for an en banc review.  By the end of the year CA gun owners may have some actual good news about their constitutional rights being respected by the state.)

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

Heavy duty weapon. A powerful round that ushered in the .357. These pistols were made to last.