Tuesday, September 29, 2020


by Bob Walsh

In five weeks the Democrat-Zombie apocalypse may occur.  It is distinctly possible that a majority of the voters in America, some of who will be actual citizens and legally entitled to vote, will vote to destroy what has been the most free and most open and most upwardly mobile and most prosperous country that has ever existed on this planet.  

I truly hope the voters are smart enough to NOT do that, but I am not sure.  A lot of young people some of who vote, are absolutely convinced that Socialism is wonderful, despite massive evidence to the contrary, because they want to get out from under their student debt and get out of mommie's basement.  Whether they will ever get an actual job with a major in LGBTQ Literature and a minor in Corrosive White Guilt is another matter.  

They really believe that American consumerism and consumption of fossil fuels are destroying the planet.  They really believe that the commercial product of beef is evil.  They really believe that guns can shoot themselves and that gun owners are intrinsically evil.  They really believe that most cops are racist and drive around all day looking for black people to shoot for no reason.  They are dumb fucks.

Decisions are made by those who show up.  Good decisions are made by people who are not dumb fucks.  Don't be a dumb fuck.  Learn some critical thinking skills.  Gather information.  REAL information.  Think decide. 


EDITOR'S NOTE: I do not believe tonight's debate will make any difference unless one candidate blows the other one to smithereens, which is not likely to happen.  COVID-19 and Trump's tax returns are disastrous for the President.  The Republicans' best hope is to maintain their majority in the Senate. 

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

I am not so sure about the tax return thing. A lot of people still remember the Harry Reid / Mitt Romney scam. Plus a lot of Trump supporters really just don't care. There is a difference between tax avoidance, which is perfectly legal, and tax evasion, which is not. Nobody is saying that Trump is evading taxes, merely that he is using the tax lays to his advantage. Same thing I do every April 15, just on a much smaller and less complex scale.