Monday, August 21, 2017


by Bob Walsh

A California judge has just ruled that a convicted mass murderer will NOT be put to death due to a major scandal over the use of jailhouse snitches.

Scott Dekraai, 47, will not die for murdering eight people in a hair salon in Orange County according to Judge Thomas Goethals ruling. The scumbags defense lawyers argued successfully that they could not trust the S.O. to turn over evidence that might be favorable to their client due to the snitch program. (Strange thing is there is no doubt whatsoever that the walking lump of pond scum is actually guilty. None whatsoever. He made a spontaneous confession pretty much immediately on his arrest, before he was even booked.

Three other death sentences have been overturned due to questions about jailhouse informants.

As someone who worked in the system for many years I can assure you that jailhouse snitches are just about as reliable as a politicians promise.

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