Saturday, August 26, 2017


by Bob Walsh

If all goes "well" there will be a big "prayer meeting" near the Golden Gate Bridge today. This thing will be put on by a group of allegedly conservative religious folks who are allegedly specifically telling white racists to stay home. A group of liberal fascists is in opposition to them and intends to AT A MINIMUM launch a counter demonstration.

The cops have already said NO WEAPONS, NO HELMETS, NO SHIELDS. How well that will be enforced is not known at this time. If it will be enforced against both sides is highly questionable. The cops claim they can and will keep the situation peaceful and the two sides separated. Will they? It will be interesting to see.

A similar free-speech rally is supposed to take place in the Peoples Republic of Berkeley. The BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY crowd has already announced that they WILL break it up by any means necessary. That has previously meant the use of force and violence if the mere threat of force and violence did not suffice. Up until now both the threat and the reality have been used successfully.

One thing is for sure. The idea of FREE SPEECH is truly abhorrent to the left. If you are dumb enough to disagree with them you damn well better keep it to yourself, or else.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

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