Wednesday, August 23, 2017


by Bob Walsh

One of the two girls charged in attempted murder in the bizarre and notorious Slender Man case in Wisconsin has copped a plea.

Anissa Weier, now 15, copped to attempted second-degree homicide for the vicious attack on Payton Leutner in Waukesha in 2014. Weier and her compadre, Morgan Geyser, stabbed Leutner 19 times and left her for dead as a sacrifice to the internet character Slender Man. The victim managed to craw to a path and attract the attention of a passing cyclist, saving her life.

Weier still has a trial coming, but that trial will decide only whether she is legally responsible or not guilty by reason of mental illness. If it is determined she is bonkers she will spend three years in the nut farm. If she is found responsible she could get up to 10 years as a guest of the state in less hospitable surroundings.

Weier has denied any actual involvement in the stabbing of Leutner.

Geyser is facing trial in an adult court in October. She has plead not guilty by reason of mental disease.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I don't think those two girls were suffering from mental illness. Internet insanity seems more likely.

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