Sunday, November 25, 2018


by Bob Walsh

A few days ago I wrote about the entire police force of Garden City, Missouri, being laid off, leaving only the Chief of Police and the S.O. to police the small city. Now the Chief, Tom Alber, has been suspended.

When he got to work on Monday the Mayor and a Cass County Deputy were waiting for him. The mayor gave him a letter informing him that the Board of Alderman had held and emergency meeting and voted to suspend him without pay effective immediately.

The Chief believes he was sacked for speaking to the media about the layoffs. The city's HR department had ordered him to not speak to the media about the layoff of the rest of the department and he clearly violated that order.

The mayor is strongly implying that the layoffs were a budget issue. The chief does not seem to believe that.

With it's own P.D. Garden City has a police response time of 2-3 minutes to emergency calls, which is very good. It is unknown if the S.O. will be able to equal that. I am betting not.

For some reason I believe this whole thing is because somebody's girlfriend or brother-in-law got a ticket he didn't appreciate and has the power to express that lack of appreciation. That, however, is a WAG and could be 100% off base.

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