Monday, November 26, 2018


NASA report on Global Warming says it’s largely manmade and predicts dire consequences

Woe to mankind, we are fucked! On Friday NASA released a report on global warming and climate change. The report was based on the findings of top scientists from 13 institutions. It says, “Earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily as a result of human activities,”

The gloom-and-doom report predicts dire consequences to the health and well-being of the American people. The scientists warn that we will experience increasing extreme weather, changes to air quality, the spread of new diseases by insects and pests and changes to the availability of food and water. If carbon emissions continue unabated, dangerously high temperatures, rising seas, deadly wildfires, torrential rainfalls and devastating hurricanes will get worse than they are already.

As can be expected, environmentalists quickly bellowed ‘we told you so’ while the all-knowing conspiracy theorist Donald Trump pooh-poohed the report.

I’ve always maintained that global warming and global cooling are cyclical, but in the clash between some of our top scientists and Trump, I’m no longer going to doubt the scientists. I just don’t see them being part of a vast left-wing conspiracy out to destroy our economy. They are not Obama scientists, nor are they Hillary Clinton or Al Gore scientists.

Let’s face it, we and the rest of the civilized world have become dependent on fossil fuels … petroleum, natural gas and coal. When we’re talking about carbon emissions we’re talking largely about cars. Taking cars from Americans is analogous to taking guns from Second Amendment defenders.

Ah, but I have a solution on how to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. President Trump. the Democrats and the Republicans have all promised to repair our infrastructure. We’re talking about billions of dollars here. Our roads are crumbling and many of our brides are in danger of collapsing. I say phooey on spending big bucks repairing our infrastructure. Let our roads become impassible and le them bridges collapse.

If people can’t get to where they want to go by car, they will drive far fewer miles, thereby reducing carbon emissions far more than any rules imposed by the EPA. If you have to drive 40 miles to a Walmart or other supermarket instead of only four miles due to a collapsed bridge, you will find a different store close to home. And when crumbling roads start to seriously damage our cars, we may stop driving altogether.

Failure to repair our infrastructure will not only reduce carbon emissions and save us billions of dollars, but it will lead to a resurgence of small neighborhood businesses to where they were in the pre-Henry Ford era. And if we have to do more walking, that will be healthy for us.

But you say crumbling roads and collapsing bridges will result in the loss of many lives. True, but to that I say it’s just collateral damage in the war on global warming.

So there you are. Now if we can only get the Chines and Indians to stop using coal to fuel their factories. Oh shit, I forgot that many of the 2-3/4 billion Chinese and Indians cook their meals on small charcoal burning grills. We’ve got to do something about those charcoal burning grills or we are fucked.


Trey Rusk said...

In India, for religious (Hinduism) reasons they don't eat cows. Most rural and semi-rural people cook with dried cow shit. Businesses sell dried cow shit for cooking. However, the dried cow shit as fuel for cooking is found to be a heavy air pollutant.

bob walsh said...

We can not save the planet from pollution by ourselves, assuming in the first place that the planet is in danger from human activity. All the liberal assholes in the country can drive electric cars and wear hemp clothes and it wont help one little bit.