Tuesday, November 27, 2018


by Bob Walsh

That used to be the unofficial motto at D.V.I., the state prison facility where I worked for 24 years. Some of the old-timers had license plate frames made up with the motto on it. DVI had very little interior gun coverage so we had to depend on tear gas to control things when the situation went sideways. In my early years there it happened often.

There is one thing I can tell you for sure. It is hard to fight when you can breath and you are barfing up your toenails. It isn't nice and it isn't pretty but it works and it doesn't kill anybody.

A shitload of undocumented Democrats tried to rush the border at San Yisidro on Sunday. The Border Patrol slammed the crossing and started throwing teargas. And more tear gas. And more tear gas. It worked. The sob sisters complained that we were teargassing women and children.

They wouldn't get gassed if they were not trying an illegal crossing. Fuck em if they can't take it. Let them go home to asswipe, El Salvador. We have rules. We don't need more people here who don't give a fuck about rules. We have plenty of them already.


Trey Rusk said...

I heard some idiot reporter say that the U.S. was using chemical warfare.

Bryan Licht said...

There are procedures in place so people who are legitimately facing persecution can gain asylum. Unfortunately, these folks wanted to do it their way, and simply rush the border. No civilized country can allow this to happen.It is sad to see young children choking on tear gas, but the blame lies squarely with the parents who brought them.