Friday, May 24, 2019


Draft-dodger Donald: Afghanistan veteran Pete Buttigieg slams Trump for 'using his privileged status to fake a disability' and avoid Vietnam war 'so that somebody else could go in his place'

Daily Mail
May 23, 2019

'I don't have a problem standing up to somebody who was working on Season Seven of 'Celebrity Apprentice' when I was packing my bags for Afghanistan,' Buttigieg said.

The 37-year-old military veteran, is the Democratic mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He would be the youngest president in U.S. history. He would also be the first openly gay American leader.

Asked if he thought Trump actually faked a disability, he shot back: 'Do you believe he has a disability?'

On the day Trump told reporters about his bone spur, he waved off a question about which foot had been the problem, saying someone would 'have to check the records.' He later claimed it was both.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Actually, we should applaud Trump for being so gracious as to let someone else go in his place for a visit to Vietnam. Not only that, but The Donald was also so gracious that some doctor was able to buy a Ferrari with the generous sum of money he got for discovering those hard to find bone spurs.


Trey Rusk said...

I know several veterans who served in Viet Nam. They love Trump. MAGA!

BarkGrowlBite said...

Trey, those Vietnam veterans probably do not know Trump is a draft dodger.

Trey Rusk said...

Of course, educational deferments were legal and nobody fudged on those.

Those veterans and both my sons visit the VA Hospital and I can tell you things have changed for the better since Trump became President. The difference is night and day. I'm proud he is my President because of what he has done for the veterans.

Nobody really gives a shit about alleged draft dodgers because it turns out they were right. Viet Nam was a tragic mistake. Our own military killed students on a college campus and nearly 60,000 soldiers died before we pulled out.

Fuck that liberal Democrat Pete Buttigieg. Never mind. He may enjoy it.

BarkGrowlBite said...

I can't believe you said that draft dodgers were right because the Vietnam War was wrong. To a veteran like me, Trump is a cowardly draft dodger, same as Bill Clinton, but Clinton did not pay a doctor to come up with a non-existent medical condition.

Yes, the war was very unpopular because the same media that smears Trump every chance it gets also condemned the Vietnam war every chance it got. The fact that a war is unpopular does not make it wrong. The Vietnam war was lost at home, not on the battlefield. The war was entered into on the basis of the domino theory, that if South Vietnam would fall to the North, all of the nearby countries would fall to the Communists - and that is exactly what happened to Laos and Cambodia.

The fact that 60,000 soldiers died on the battlefields of Vietnam makes cowardly draft dodging all the more shameful and nothing that Trump now does for the veterans can change that.

Although I have little respect for Trump as a person, he'll still get my vote in November 2020 because he's actually been a fairly good president.

Trey Rusk said...

The same media? Come on BGB. You have got to be kidding. The media is a lot different than it was 60 years ago. I think the fact that we began to see actual combat on television during the conflict had a lot to do with it being unpopular. That and the rich kids really didn't have to go. Remember it was never even a declared war, just a police action. Everyone smelled Bullshit.

I can remember when Walter Cronkite was the most trusted man in America.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Yes, the same media. The same media put all those Vietnam scenes on the TV news broadcasts. The same broadcasts that are now trying to get Trump's scalp. Declared war or not, a draft dodger is a draft dodger and the worst cowardly draft dodgers of all were those rich kids that paid doctors to diagnose a non-existent disability.

By trying to defend Trump's cowardice, you are dishonoring the brave 60,000 draftees and volunteers who gave their lives in Vietnam while serving their country.