Monday, May 20, 2019


But The Person Owed Should Send The Damn Bills Out On Time

by Bob Walsh

The city of Middletown, Ohio operates it's own jail. The city of Trenton, Ohio sends prisoners to the Middletown jail. Middletown has cut off service from Trenton because that city has refused to pay it's bill.

Trenton owes not quite $26,000 for 323.5 person/days in custody between March 1 and Sept. 30, 2018. The contract is for $80 per day. The prisoners are those charged with felonies or crimes of violence.

Middletown has acknowledged they were tardy in sending out the bills, due to transitions of Chief's of Police, jail commanders and some clerical staff.

Trenton has begun taking their prisoners to the Butler County slammner where they are housed for free.

Nobody is talking any more, except to lawyers. Everybody involved admits to a screw-up, but fixing it is not going so smooth.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

Make them an offer. Rather than litigate they will probably take half owed.