Thursday, May 23, 2019


by Bob Walsh

I am unsure I have ever been to Dayton, though I might have driven thru on my way to someplace else a few years back. I expect it is a nice enough place, but probably won't be this coming Saturday.

A group of about 20 KKK members will be holding a rally at the court house square. They have a permit and many, if not all of them, will be legally armed.

The NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY FOR SELF DEFENSE will be present. They are an off-shoot of the New Black Panther Party who have been kicked out of the parent group for being a pack of racist jerks. Antifa is expected to be there in force, many of their people bussed in. AntiFa is, theoretically, AntiFascists but are in reality a pack of left-wing fascists who effective rule Seattle now.

The talking heads are estimating over 1,000 anti-Klan protesters.

Maybe it's just me, but I can't help but think the most effective way of dealing with the Klan Klowns would be to totally ignore them.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

I'm surprised there hasn't been a reality show made about the KKK. Klan Wives or something just as stupid.