Beside Rocky Graziano, I've personally known the greats Carmen Basilio and Rocky Marciano, Billy Graham , Buddy Garcia and the not Great Chief Gordon House
By Howie Katz
Carmen Basilio: Determination, Perseverance, guts and lots of heart
Billy Graham disfigures Kid Gavilan's mug.
I knew Billy Graham because he was also managed by Irving Cohen, the manager of Rocky Graziano. One time Billy and I went to the wake of a family member. The Irish sure know how to hold wakes. Can't remember ever having had more fun time.
Buddy Garcia: Galveston's own and a leading lightweight contender

Buddy Garcia was my best friend when I lived in Galveston. He got me my first job at Todd Shipyards when I got out of the army in 1945. We remained close until my wife and I moved to California in 1955. I remember one time I was with buddy in a Galveston club where he was playing poker One of the players was City Recorder - now known as municipal judge - Eddie Janek. Suddenly for some reason Janek burst out with a foul anti-Semitic crack. Buddy immediately jumped up and in front of everybody threatened to kick the shit out of Janek for making that remark "in front of my Jewish friend, Howie!" Janek went on to become a County Commissioner and was honored by having a county building renamed after him. Th me, the bastard will always be remembered as an anti-Semitic piece of shit.
Chief Gordon House: How do you keep an alcoholic fighter sober?
Gordon House was not a great fighter, but he was sure a great drinker. The Navajo Indian fought many of his lightweight fights in Houston and Galveston. One day in New York, Rocky Graziano's manager Irving Cohen called me into his office and said he had an important job for me to do, He was also managing the Chief and was getting him ready to take on World Featherweight Champion Sandy Saddler, one of the hardest punchers in boxing history. Irving told me "Whatever you do, keep him out of bars.!" Hah, easier said then done. Gordon and I were walking past an Irish pub when the Chief tugged at my arm and said "Let's get one beer." He jerked me inside. There were 3 or 4 men drinking at the bar. The moment we walked in, the bartender a huge burly man, took one look at me and shouted,"Get your dirty ass out of here, we don't allow damn Jews in here.!" In the blink of an eye, Gordon grabs the guy, jerks him over the bar, and proceeds to beat the supreme shit out of him. Gordon told him, "From now on you'll serve Jews in here!" I managed to pull Gordon of the busted-up bartender and told him we'd better leave in a hurry before the cops show up. Gordon went on to fight Saddler and actually knocked him on his ass before the champion decided he'd better put a stop tho it, which he decidedly did.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Now you've see why I enjoyed my time around fighter so much. Just thought I'd publish this before my time on earth is up.
1 comment:
I didn't know you were a fight fan Howie.
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