Sunday, December 27, 2020


But Not For The Good Guy

by Bob Walsh

This one went down near Fort Wright, Kentucky a few weeks back.  This 43-year old man was driving along and got in a modest accident with an aggressive driver.  The man pulled over and called the local constabulary.  While he was on the phone with the cops the aggressive driver got out of his car with a rifle and approached the good guy.  The 911 call picked up the verbal back and fourth, and then the shots.  

When the smoke cleared the good guy got off four shots, the bad guy zero.  The fact that there were a lot of empty alcohol bottles in his vehicle might have had something to do with his aggressive driving and poor gun handling.  The bad guy left in a body bag.  The cops said it was a good shooting.  

It is better to have a gun etc. etc.

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