Monday, May 24, 2021


But Don't Tell Anybody.  Apparently It Is A Secret

by Bob Walsh

The Bartram Trail High School is located just outside of Jacksonville, Florida.  There was a big stink in the last few days over their yearbook.  

It seems that the school does not want people to know that high school girls often have breasts.  About 80 images of girls were photoshopped before being included in the year book to take out pretty much any cleavage whatsoever.  No pictures of boys were photoshopped, including the boys swim team wearing their Speedos.

The girls complained that they were never told that their photos were inappropriate.  In past years "inappropriate" photos were just not printed in the year book.  This year they put them in, with black bars placed across the girls chests if they were showing any cleavage at all.  

The decision on what photos to edit was allegedly made by female staff.

1 comment:

Trey said...

What did they do if a tight sweater was worn?