Monday, September 13, 2021


by Bob Walsh

On Tuesday the voters of the formerly great state of California, some of who will be actual legal residents of the state, will decide whether to keep that arrogant commie bastard Gavin Newsom as Governor or throw his ass out and put somebody else in, probably Larry Elder.  Right now the polls are favoring Newsom.  When you add that together along with the expected flurry of voting fraud it seems likely that Gavin will continue as the God-Emperor of California.  There will be a certain level of closet conservative voting, and a certain level of "I hate Gavin Newsom because he is an arrogant commie bastard" vote but it is hard to say if that will be enough to overcome the voter fraud and the people who honestly like liberal idiot government.

Also, this Friday the final wording of a ballot initiative is supposed to be ready in the city of Minneapolis.  It may not be ready and that may result in a delay of the November election.  The question is whether or not  to ashcan the Police Department and replace it with a Public Safety Department, the exact composition, makeup and goals of which are not exactly made clear.  The ballot initiative asserts that the new department will focus on a "comprehensive public health approach" and will be made up at least in part of police officers "if necessary."  It isn't real clear who decides when or if it is necessary.  The new agency would answer to the city council collectively rather than to the major as is the case with the police department.  The language is being fought over in court right now.

Maybe I am just a we bit perverse but I sort of hope it happens.  It would be real rough on the people in Minneapolis but would be a useful object lesson for the other whiny weirdos in the country.

1 comment:

Trey said...

What a shame. Too bad you can't sell a house in Minneapolis anymore. Now I feel bad about buying my Yukon up there during the riots. It was a real fire sale.