Wednesday, September 01, 2021


by Bob Walsh

The Caldor Fire is making some inroads into the Tahoe Basin.  Both Kirkwood and Heavenly Valley ski areas are in some danger.  Heavenly has their snow makers running in hopes of improving the humidity in the immediate area to the point it gives them some protection.  

South Lake Tahoe is a ghost town with wild life wandering thru it.  (Of course that happens anyway.)  

The fire is now on both sides of Hwy 88.  

There are evacuations under way on the Nevada side of the lake.  

The fire now covers 200,000 acres and pretty much every fire fighting aircraft in the state is up there.  There are enough decent size lakes in the area that the helicopters are having no trouble finding water.  There are also a couple of decent size but close airports where they are filling up the air tankers with retardant.  They are close enough that they are getting 40 minute turn-around time from one load to the next.  

I am tempted to say something snarky about the formerly great state of California and their idiotic forest management practices but it might not matter much as there might not be a hell of a lot for them to mange for a few years.  Maybe by then they will have their collective head out of their collective ass and come up with a plan that is workable rather than being politically correct.  Just don't count on it.  After all they can still blame it all on global warming and Donald Trump.

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