Thursday, September 02, 2021


Gabriel Gipe: Pro-Antifa teacher urges class to turn into 'far-left revolutionaries': 'I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries... scare the fuck out of them'


By Saumya Dixit  



September 1, 2021



Gabriel Gipe: Pro-Antifa teacher urges class to turn into 'far-left revolutionaries'            Teacher Gabriel Gipe urged class to turn into 'far-left revolutionaries'


An apparently pro-Antifa teacher in California boasted about turning his students into far-left "revolutionaries," according to a new video released by James O'Keefe's Project Veritas.

In the 12-minute video,  Inderkum High School teacher Gabriel Gipe talks about his involvement with the Antifa Sacramento chapter and how he gives students extra credit for attending protests. "I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries…scare the fuck out of them," the man said in the video. "I post a calendar every week," he said. "I’ve had students show up for protests, community events, tabling, food distribution, all sorts of things. … When they go, they take pictures, they write up a reflection – that’s their extra credit."

Pictures that were captured by undercover Project Veritas journalists purported to show an "Antifascist Action" flag and a Mao Zedong poster prominently displayed in Gipe’s classroom. The man in the video said he once shamed a student for taking issue with the Antifa flag. "I have an Antifa flag on my wall and a student complained about that and he said it made him feel uncomfortable," he said. "And I addressed it to everyone because I didn’t know who it was. ‘Well, this is meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, so if you feel uncomfortable, I don’t really know what to tell you. Maybe you shouldn’t be aligning with the values that [the Antifa flag] is antithetical to.’"

Gipe also said he tracks his students’ political ideologies throughout the course of the year and that "every year, they get further and further left." "I’ve met so many people in my life who, when they met me, thought I was off the wall, and now they’re all Marxists," he said in the video. "I’m probably as far left as you can go," he said. "Like, why aren’t people just taking up arms? Like why can’t we, you know, take up arms against the state? We have historical examples of that happening, and them getting crushed and being martyrs for a cause and it's like, OK, well, it’s slow going because it takes massive amounts of organization."

The teacher added that there are at least three other teachers at his school who are "definitely on the same page" he is. "I think that for [left-wing] movements in the United States, we need to be able to attack both [cultural and economic] fronts, right?" he said.  "We need to create parallel structures of power because we cannot rely on the state. So we need to distribute food, necessities, we need to create those mutual aid programs that we can look back at groups like the [Black] Panthers and learn from their successes as well as their mistakes, as well as consistently focusing on education and a change of cultural propaganda. We have to hit both fronts. We have to convince people that this is what we actually need."

Natomas Unified School District issued a statement, saying it was aware of the video and was looking into it. "We understand that parents and Natomas community members have expressed their concern about the contents of this video," the statement read, in part. "We respect and recognize their expressions of concern. Natomas Unified, as always, will look into this matter and take any appropriate actions as necessary. District policy explicitly states, ‘Whenever civic education includes topics that may be controversial due to political beliefs or other influences, instruction shall be presented in a balanced manner that does not promote any particular viewpoint.’ That is always the expectation."
"Sadly, a number of emails have come in from outside our community that express hate and threats," the statement added. "There is sad irony in that outsiders are expressing displeasure towards the individual teacher while also using intense vulgarity, hate speech and threats of violence."




by Bob Walsh

Gabriel Gipe is, or maybe was, a teacher in the Natomas Unified School District at Inderkum High School as an AP Government instructor.  

A few days ago he got seriously outed by Project Veritas.  He was recorded bragging about how he has 180 days per year to "scare the shit" out of his students in order to turn them into revolutionaries.  He has an AntiFa flag up in his classroom and decorates papers he returns to his students with rubber stamps of images of Che Guevara, Uncle Joe Stalin, Fidel Castro and similar  folks.  

Gipe is now on unpaid leave and has been notified the district intends to can him.  He has clearly violated a ton of school policies relating to politicizing class material and pushing specific political opinions and propositions in class.  He also seems to conduct political activity, such as recruiting students for the cause, during school hours.  The district stripped all of the visual political propaganda from his classroom on Wednesday.  I hope they were smart enough to photograph it first.  Strange how nobody noticed it before, isn't it?  

As far as I can tell Gipe has three years with this district.  That probably means he has tenure.  It is not impossible but it is very difficult to fire a tenured teacher for anything of a non-criminal nature. 

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