Monday, September 27, 2021


Stop blaming ‘stray bullets’ and ‘botched robberies’ for CRIMINAL violence


By Nicole Gelinas


New York Post

September 26, 2021



Davell Gardner                 1-year-old Davell Gardner was killed by a 'stray bullet' in Brooklyn


Bertha Arriaga, Davell Gardner Jr., and Ethan Williams were killed by “stray bullets.” Than Than Htwe, Nicolo Rappa and Tessa Majors were killed in “botched robberies.” As violent crime has soared, such language has become ubiquitous in news stories. It is lazily inaccurate — and absolves killers of responsibility. 

Gotham shootings have more than doubled in two years, to more than four people wounded and one killed a day. In tandem, the term “stray bullet” has, er, strayed into more news reports. The New York Times has used it 42 times since January 2020, nearly double the 24 mentions in the similar period pre-COVID. 

Davell, the 1-year-old baby “hit by a stray bullet at a barbecue” in Bedford-Stuyvesant last year. Arriaga, in her own apartment in Jackson Heights when “a stray bullet killed her.” Williams, the college student killed in Bushwick when “a stray bullet struck.” 

Among the latest victims is a 19-year-old New York University student, wounded near the MetroTech campus last week by, as NYU said, “a stray bullet.” NYU pronounced itself “concerned about the occurrence of a shooting so near one of our buildings,” which raises the question: Where would NYU like the shootings to ­“occur”? 

There is no such thing as a “stray bullet.” Each of these ­individuals was killed or wounded by a person who purposely shot a gun in a dense city, often at night. 

The shooter knew there was a risk that the bullet would hit an “innocent victim” (another inaccurate term, as all shooting victims are innocent of whatever they are being shot for). 

Saying someone was killed or wounded by a bullet that mysteriously strayed from its carefully planned trajectory is like saying someone was killed by being clonked in the head by a big hailstone. It was just an act of ­nature, couldn’t be helped. 

“Botched robbery” is worse. When a stranger allegedly yanked Kyaw Zaw Hein by his backpack down the stairs in a Canal Street subway station in July, Hein’s mother, Htwe, was pulled with him, and suffered a fatal brain injury. “The police called the crime a botched robbery,” the Times says. 

But nobody “botched” anything: If you pull people down stairs, there is a good risk they will fall and suffer a horrific ­injury. 

Then there’s 91-year-old Rappa, killed in a “botched home-invasion robbery” last month. ­Police say Luis Bonilla tried to wheedle his way into Rappa’s home. But when the elderly man didn’t let him in, Bonilla beat him to death. What was “botched”? The killing was ­intentional. 

Similarly, when three teens killed Tessa Majors in Morningside Park in December 2019, the Times called it “a cellphone robbery gone wrong.” 

What went wrong? The teens purposely targeted a woman smaller than they were, held her down and repeatedly stabbed her in the chest. There was no well-laid plan that somehow went awry, despite everyone’s best intentions. 

The term “botched” is often heard in such group robberies, with one killer using it to say that he never meant to kill anyone; his partners in crime screwed up a harmless caper. 

The most absurd example is the reporting around former Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s granting clemency to David Gilbert, part of the gang that killed Edward O’Grady and Waverly Brown, both police officers, and guard Peter Paige, in the 1981 Brink’s robbery near Nyack. 

The San Francisco Chronicle, where Gilbert’s son is DA, calls it the “botched robbery” of an armored truck. Gilbert was an “unarmed getaway driver,” the paper informs us, “not directly responsible for the killings.” Gilbert’s son, Chesa Boudin, has said that his father “never . . . intended for anyone to get hurt.” 

This “I knew my friends had knives or guns, but I never ­expected them to hurt anyone” defense is phony. Gilbert knew his accomplices were heavily armed. What did he think would happen? 

The credible threat of deadly force is the only reason why armed robberies “work” at all. That victims often are shot or stabbed to death during them is not an unforeseeable error, but the predictable result of the mortal danger armed robbers ­intend to convey. 

This isn’t just a matter of language. Empty-the-jails advocates don’t like getaway accomplices to be charged with murder, as Gilbert was. But lenient treatment for accomplices ignores the fact that the getaway driver is just as necessary to the killing as the shooter. 

If crime continues to rise, we can expect more “botched robberies” and “stray bullets.” It was nobody’s fault; it just happened.


bob walsh said...

It is all part of removing personal responsibility for personal acts of violence. The shooter didn't kill the victim. The gun did. The poor dead child was not the intended target, he/she was collateral damage from a stray bullet that was just hanging around minding it's own business.

Trey said...

The key words are Bullet and Robbery. There is no accidental Robbery. The firearm must be fired.

De-escalation is another bunch of Political Correctness Bullshit that is get Police Officers killed. Cops are afraid to engage. It is being taught by TCOLE. In Texas, a Peace Officer has no duty to retreat. Teaching patrol cops to attempt to de-escalate an armed felon upon arrival is only dangerous to the cop. What they should be teaching is YOU SHOOT AT A POLICE OFFICER, YOU WILL BE SHOT. It should be on billboards, television and posted at the Texas State Line.

Dave Freeman said...

With liberals it doesn't matter if your policies, and your enforcement of polices, are effective. It's how those policies you put into effect make you FEEL. And then of courses, there's that sense of power and importance you get when you put them into effect. That's one reason they hated President Trump so much. He is corse. He is often rude.
So the fact that his policies were helpful and effective were of no importance.

Gary said...

So long as it's for everyone. So the cop that misses and kills a child, the cop that kills a woman while shooting at a dog,etc are all just as guilty as the stray bullet shooter.

Trey said...

Oh Gary, Come On, Man! What was being discussed was all bullets are fired so yes it goes for everyone.

Dave Freeman said...

@ Gary. Ya. Because attempting to protect others is just as criminal as attempting to prey on others. (SMH).

bob walsh said...

Sorry Gary. If the cop happened to be robbing somebody when he fired his weapon and killed a child I would agree with you. Otherwise your moral equivalency standards are idiotic.

Gary said...

Only to you Bob.

Dave, tell it to the innocent child killed because of the cops stray bullet. Ps no one was in danger when this happened.