Friday, September 03, 2021


New Orleans 911 operator wanted for deliberately hanging up on callers


Precious Stephens, who was still on the loose Thursday, faces charges of malfeasance and interfering with an emergency communication. Precious Stephens faces charges of malfeasance and interfering with an emergency communication


A rogue 911 phone operator in New Orleans allegedly hung up on callers who dialed the emergency response line for help.

Precious Stephens, 25, faces charges of malfeasance and interfering with an emergency communication after disconnecting phone calls without getting any information or relaying the incidents to emergency dispatchers, the New Orleans Police Department said.

The Orleans Parish Communications District reported Stephens to police on Aug. 23 after investigating a random set of calls with Stephens during her shifts on Aug. 20 and Aug. 21, officials told

“(The district) has and will continue to cooperate with the … investigation into this matter and is dedicated to providing any and all assistance to aid in (the) efforts,” read a statement from the communications district.

Stephens was on the loose Thursday night.

1 comment:

Trey said...

A Rogue 911 Operator? I'll bet the phone never stops in New Orleans.