Wednesday, September 01, 2021


Who trained Taliban pilots? Thanks to US, it now has airforce larger than TEN NATO nations


By Kunal Dey  



September 1, 2021 



Who trained Taliban pilots? Thanks to US, it now has airforce larger than TEN NATO nations                                              But can they fly the damn plane?


The Taliban has now become one of the world's strongest military forces after seizing an air force worth billions of dollars, including US-made helicopters and attack planes. Viral reports of the jihadists taxiing choppers have sparked questions as to who trained them to operate the highly sophisticated vehicles.

The extremist group has captured 10 major airfields from Bagram to Mazar-i-Sharif over the last few months. According to the Daily Mail, they recently took a $6 million Black Hawk helicopter to the sky to weed out resistance forces holed up in the Panjshir Valley. In order to make use of the newly-acquired aerial firepower, Taliban leaders are reported to have ordered their fighters to hunt down pilots from the disbanded Afghan Air Force, who received training from the US to fly its high-tech planes and choppers.

The militants successfully seized control of the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul as they were seen clambering onto the cockpit of a $14 million Hercules transport jet. According to an official US government inspection on June 30, the Afghan Air Force was operating 167 aircraft, including 108 choppers and 59 planes. Uzbekistan confirmed before the fall of Kabul that 46 Afghan aircraft, including 24 helicopters, had arrived in the country in order to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

Gen Frank McKenzie, the commander of the US evacuation mission, said American troops had disabled 73 aircraft before leaving the war-torn country. The Taliban was therefore left with as many as 48 operable aircraft, although the breakdown in terms of planes and helicopters is unclear. Regardless, the terror group now has more aerial firepower than 10 of the 30 NATO members, notably Albania, Bosnia, Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Slovenia. The United States is at the top of the NATO pecking order, with more than 13,000 aircraft. It is followed by France with 1,057, Turkey with 1,056, Italy with 876, and the United Kingdom with 738, according to the Daily Mail.

Little Bird                   [Ed.] I know they are not Taliban, but I liked the picture

While it is unclear how many former Afghan Air Force pilots the Taliban have been able to recruit, a video that emerged on social media this month sparked concerns after it showed a group of militants flying in a Russian-made Mi-17 chopper. In another video, a Black Hawk chopper was seen heading to the Panjshir Valley north of Kabul, the final frontier that is still secured by Northern Alliance resistance fighters.

The Taliban is said to have captured at least one A-29 Super Tucano aircraft and an MD-530F military helicopter at Mazar-i-Sharif airport on August 15. However, it is unlikely that they would be able to use the aircraft for long without proper maintenance and spares support.

Meanwhile, it's worth noting that the A-29 jet can be flown by relatively inexperienced pilots and operated in turbulent environments. It is optimized for counterinsurgency missions where an aircraft needs to fly slow and below the radar to strike targets on the ground, unlike a fighter jet that is built for speed and maneuverability.

"They may actually be able to get it airborne," General Mark Kelly, who leads the US Air Combat Command, told Defense News of the Taliban on August 16. "But they'd probably be more dangerous to their own well-being than they would [be] to people on the ground." However, he added that he wasn't "naive enough to not be able to envision a scenario where maybe — maybe — they could find pilots, that maybe the former Afghan air force pilots would be coerced to come over to their side."

Kelly said that while the aircraft might be easier to fly than other combat jets, its technology does not threaten the US military in potential future engagements with the Taliban. “It’s understandable for people to be concerned about any capability falling into the hands of folks where we don’t know exactly how they’re going to use it, who is going to use it against, whether that’s an M16 [rifle] or whether that’s an A-29,” Kelly continued. “But suffice to say that the technology that’s in the A-29 is not cutting-edge technology. When you look at the airplane’s range and speed and computer power and lifting capability… it’s not something that, frankly, concerns us," he added.



The Taliban show off dozens of US-made armoured vehicles and weaponry during victory parades which even feature helicopter air displays

Daily Mail

September 1, 2021


The Taliban showed off dozens of US-made armoured vehicles and weaponry during victory parades today
One event, in the southern city of Kandahar, even featured a fly-past from a Black Hawk helicopter (pictured) flying the flag of the Taliban
The parades of the hardware, captured during the group's takeover of Afghanistan, were held just hours after U.S. President Joe Biden defended his decision to end two decades of American presence in the country 
As the Taliban celebrated on Wednesday, Afghans and the international community awaited details of the group's plans for governing with concern
The United States has said that 'under 200' of its citizens remain in the country, and Britain said the number of UK nationals inside was in the 'low hundreds'
The Islamist hardliners are celebrating Monday's final withdrawal of U.S. troops as an historic victory after taking control of all but one of the country's 34 provinces in an astonishing two-week offensive Pictured: Taliban forces rally to celebrate the withdrawal of U.S., which President Joe Biden defended just hours before Pictured: Taliban fighters ride atop armoured vehicles as they parade in single file outside the city of Kandahar - the spiritual birthplace of the militant movement
Authorities from several countries have already begun meeting with Taliban leadership, the latest being India

1 comment:

Trey said...

After looking closely at the armored vehicles, it appears that the original U.S. mounted guns are gone. The weapons now being shown are older weapons that have been mounted on the vehicles by the Taliban.