Saturday, January 08, 2022


By Howie Katz


Editorial cartoon 

When folks say Joe Biden is senile, what they really believe is that he cannot function as president.  However, nothing is further than the truth.

Originally senile just meant old.  Senile did not refer to any mental condition an old person might have.  Over time definitions began to add conditions such as memory loss.

Eventually the medical definition became: The mental decline once associated with old age but now known to be due to dementia, as for instance Alzheimer's disease and atherosclerosis.

The definition of senile in the better non-medical dictionaries is very similar to that of the medical dictionaries.

Non of the dictionaries say that a senile person cannot function effectively. There are stages of dementia and Alzheimer's during which a person so afflicted can function normally despite occasional memory losses.











                                          (For a better fit, replace AOC with Kamala Harris)

Biden, who was known for his numerous gaffes long before he became Obama's Vice President, does not appear to have reached the stage where he can no longer function as president.  For instance, Biden has lately made a number of speeches and he did rather well, no gaffes.  

As for Biden's policies, they've made him the worst president ever, surpassing Jimmy Carter in that category.  But we all better hope he can continue to function as president for the rest of his term because Kamala Harris will be a worse disaster than Biden has been.

Most Americans probably associate senility with a person who can no longer take care of himself and requires constant home health care or confinement in a nursing home.  But Biden has not reached that stage yet and with luck, he can finish out his term and we'll just have to suck up his radical-left policies.

His lousy and disastrous policies aside, If you agree Biden can still function as president, let me suggest you consider not calling him senile anymore.


Dave Freeman said...

Biden is senile.
So is Howie.

bob walsh said...

What difference does it make if he CAN NOT function or DOES NOT function. We still have a guy on autopilot, with his left turn signal constantly on, theoretically running the country. I will happily concede that he MIGHT NOT be senile in a technical sense, but he is IMHO senile in an operational sense. Either way is bad for me, bad for us, and bad for the country.

Trey said...

President Biden cannot function without a team of handlers. They prompt him on what to say and who to select in the press for questions. He regularly flubs his speeches while using a teleprompter and appears lost when walking to the point that he is physically being led by secret service agents. Need proof the Biden is suffering from Dementia? Look up Biden Gaffes on YouTube.

I feel sorry for Biden and I feel bad for the USA. The Democrats are propping him up and spoon feeding him what to say. The man needs to go home.

Howie, your blog is way off the mark.