Thursday, January 13, 2022


Jeffery Epstein made 17 trips to WH when Bill Clinton was Prez, here’s who joined him


By Srivats Lakshman  



January 13, 2022


                            Jeffery Epstein with President Clinton


Jeffery Epstein reportedly had a very close relationship with former president Bill Clinton, visiting the White House on no less than 17 occasions during Clinton's presidency. But a new report has shed some light on another interesting fact - Epstein was never alone during those trips.

As we reported on earlier, Epstein also frequently hosted Clinton aboard his plane Lolita Express, but as pilot Larry Visoski testified, there were rarely any young girls present. That doesn't appear to be the case on Epstein's trips to the White House. It appears the late disgraced financier was always accompanied by "young women", but it's unclear exactly why. Clearly, Epstein didn't try to keep the visits a secret either, reportedly having photos of him at the White House in his Palm Beach mansion.


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