Friday, January 14, 2022


by Bob Walsh

They aren't the same thing.  Just because something happens at more or less the same time as another does not mean that one causes the other.  The old "post hoc ergo propter hoc" ain't necessarily true. In fact it is often not true.  But sometimes it is.

Yesterday the inflation numbers came out.  7% uptick overall.  That is huge.  The number hasn't been that bad in 40 years.  Today Joe Biden's poll numbers came out.  He is down to 33%.  That is lower than whale shit.  

The rumor mill from Crazy Bernie says that if he is stupid enough to run Joe the Hairsniffer is for-sure going to get primaried.  Maybe from both directions.  The woke wing is after his ass and Hillary is now talking about being the great uniter.  

Hillary vs. Nikki Haley.  Wouldn't that be a hoot?

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