Friday, January 14, 2022


by Bob Walsh

Today SCOTUS is supposed to make some unusual Thursday announcements.  The speculation is that they will announce their rulings on the Biden vaccine mandates.  My GUESS, for what that might be worth to you, is that the mandate on businesses with 100+ employees will almost for sure be thrown out.  I believe that the mandate on health care workers SHOULD be thrown out but there is so much federal money wrapped up in health care that the court MIGHT find some legit connection.

I look at it pretty simply.  I am a simple guy.  The constitution says very specifically that the powers not specifically granted to the feds are reserved for the people, or for the states.  I grant you that "public health" was only a barely beginning concept in 1787 but I am not sure that matters in this instance.

UPDATE:  I guessed it right.  Private employers mandate struck down 6-3.  Health care workers mandate maintained, barely.  Sometimes I get it right.  Joe seemed pissed. 

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