Friday, January 14, 2022


by Bob Walsh

The God-Emperor of the formerly great state of California, Gavin I HATE GUNS Newsom, has jerked the parole out from under the feet of Sirhan Sirhan.  Back in the day when I was pounding the tiers I had the dubious honor of delivering the very first SORRY CHARLIE letter from a governor to a California inmate telling him that the governor overruled the parole board.  The recipient was unhappy.  

On the other side of the coin, Newsom announced that he is moving forward to give all undocumented democrats in CA state funded health care.  I pay right around 5% of my adjusted gross income to the state as income tax.  I also pay the highest state gas tax in the country (over 50 cents per gallon), significant excise taxes on many goods, and over 9% in combined state and local sales taxes.  I fail to see why the hell I should pay for health care for people who are here illegally.  I am sorry for them, but the whole fucking world is not my responsibility.  They want free health care they should go to Cuba.  Bernie Sanders and Bill deBlasio say the health care is great there, and it is 100% free for everybody.

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